
12 Fantastic Ash Blonde Hair Color Ideas for a Change-Up

There are lots to consider when going for a new hairstyle. From face shape to hair texture, short or long, color, there are many features you have to consider. While considering these you would also want it to reflect a trendy feeling, classical or something new. This can get out of hand make you retreat from the idea of getting a new hairstyle. You don’t need to; all you need is a little suggestion to choose from. We will be introducing you to some of the trendy hairstyles with the ashy blonde color you will be smitten with.

Pale Blonde Ash Layered Waves

This is a blonde shade almost as pale as a platinum blonde hair color. The layers make the hair look effortless and natural with adding texture and volume to the haircut. The middle-parted hair also makes her facial features stand out and brings her beauty to another level.